Friday, January 27, 2006



赛巴巴中文组门徒为了迎接华人农历丙戌春节的来临,群力自发组织了年景布置活动,人人纷纷伸出援手,将孟沙赛门徒中心布置得春意洋溢;洋洋春节气氛中有参杂陈嘉瑞师兄的春联挥春散发着浓浓墨香,有Lai Kheng和金莲个别贡献的黄梨灯笼及高悬着的火红贺岁灯笼;黄梨象征’旺来’,加上色泽火红鲜艳的灯笼,为春节喜庆增添了浓郁吉祥瑞气。众多年景装饰中,还有颇具新意的红包袋结成的灯笼,特别引人注目,充分体现了制作者Lai Kheng的用心与创意。

年景布置精心,各司其职,工作现场有条不紊,次序井然,如Sis Zoe和Lai Kheng负责室内装饰设计,师兄们如金文, Terence, Tan Kuan Heng, Baik, Tan Suei, Wong W.Y. 专司设备装潢,灯饰安装,攀高爬低,工作辛劳,自不在话下。女士们也没有闲着,在灯饰装潢美化要求上,除了提供了宝贵意见,善后清理工作也是在徐美琪主导下处理。 这次负责摄影的是徐美智。


20th January

2006 Friday Decorating Centre - Ushering in YEAR OF DOG

Brothers and sisters giving their hands to 'dress up' Centre for the coming Chinese New Year after Bhajan.

Calligraphy "Huei Chun" written by Bro Tan Kar Swee, Lanterns of Pineapples brought by Sisters Lay Kheng, Irene, Chinese Lanterns brought by Sis Kim Lian, not to mention a big hand made angpow lantern made by Lay Kheng are the new year dresses for the centre.

Sis Zoe and sis Lay Kheng helped to design the interior decoration. Brother See, Bro Terence, Bro Tan Kuan Heng, Bro. Baik, Bro Tan Suei, Bro Wong W.Y. climbed up and down hanging the decorative items, lanterns with Sis Baik and other sisters chipping in their ideas on how to make the centre look better. Sis Mei Qi helped with the sweeping and cleaning up after work is over. Sis Mei Zhi is the photographer for the session.

Every body works till 10.30pm but no O.T. is being claimed.

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