Monday, May 29, 2006

卫塞节 2006



(一) 阵容浩荡、大雨洗尘

11.05.2006 我们一群人(约六十多位)在金莲赛姐及 Bro. Albert Ong 的带领下浩浩荡荡出发。凌晨6.00am KLIA 机场集合,早上9.00am 起飞,约31/2小时后抵达马德拉,再转机前往 Bangalore。


(二) 紧锣密鼓,加紧练习

12.05.200613.05.2006晚间,我们一支40名大马赛中文组合唱团团员在白草原至尊BaBa拉马士庙堂(Ramesh Hall)紧锣密鼓加紧练习,为的是在14.05.2006把最美妙的歌声、以最虔诚的心,唱出赞美神/佛的曲子,呈献给挚爱的至尊BaBa,将爱心传送,达至每个人的心间……。

指导老师张铉铭更不敢苟且,严谨但不失友爱,不厌其烦的指导团员如何将诸多不协调的杂声或滑音再使之修饰凝成共唱出一种和协的声音……。这其实体现了BaBa言的 “Unity in Diversity” “异中求同”。

(三) 歌声绕梁、至尊赞赏




金项链加一个钳有BaBa肖像的金牌,奖赏给指导老师张铉铭BaBa 并亲自为张老师戴上;这时刻徐金文赛兄及蔡金莲赛姐也赶紧上台去,帮 BaBa手八脚的为老师把项链扣紧,此际台上一片人神温馨场面,台下琴师丽嘉赛姐马上再弹奏一曲“我所响往的是你的爱”,团员们边唱边哽咽着又流涕又流泪,把这一整早上卫塞节的庆祝气氛推上最高潮……。真可谓承欢膝下,万众欢腾!

(四) 金光闪闪,一举成名



posted by : Chuah Huan Bee/Tan Kar Swee

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Maha Prasadam

Swami giving us a feast on the 13th May 2006. Every devotee is His guest of honour.

Everyone is his privileged child.

Sis Kim Lian performing Padanamaskar

The greatest honour that a devotee can ask for.

The greatest love that a devotee can ask for.

The greatest joy that a devotee can ask for.


Bro See Kim Boon helping to garland Bro Stanley Cheong

Question :
What is the greatest joy that a choir leader could get ?

Answer :
The Avathar asking him to help garland his Choir Conductor.

So, the President of Sathya Sai Central Council of Malaysia - Bro Billy Fong and the Bangsar Bhajan Unit Coordinator - Sis Kim Lian are equally happy witnessing the occasion.

Swami is awarding the Conductor

Swami garlanded Bro. Stanley Cheong with the materialised gold chain.

Many knows him as a conductor but only a few of us knows that besides conducting; Stanley is rearranging bhajan songs, re-writing bhajan songs to be sung in two variations, writing out the pianist accompaniment for choir singing without asking for any rewards or payments even before he is a Swami's devotee. Bro. Stanley has re-written many bhajan songs in a rate faster than the Choir could catch up to learn to sing. There are still a number of new bhajan songs composed by Bro Stanley yet waiting to be sung.

So, Swami knows it after all !! And Stanley is rewarded.

Bro Stanley Cheong Conducting the Choir

Bro Stanley Cheong was in full concentration coducting the choir. The Master, our Swami was even more focused, His is on the Conductor. Who is the real Conductor after all?

Sai Ramesh Hall

Sai Ramesh Hall being beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and ready for the celebration of Buddha Poornima - Wesak Day. In the middle of the Stage is the statue of Krishna and below the stage right in the centre is Ganesha, also beautifully garlanded with fresh flowers.

Friday, May 26, 2006


Buddha Poornima Celebration in Whitefield India 14-5-2006

On 14th May 2006, the SCA choir was given the honour to perform for Swami. The jublilant group has a group photo after the successful performance, winning praises and applause.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006









Saturday, May 06, 2006

CLING UNTO ........

I had no inkling at all what & who this Baba is, until one night in 1981 he came into my dream ( I thought he was a rock star, because the scene was an open air stadium with lots of crowds wearing white). He smilingly told me I was carrying a boy, a son, true enough I delivered my son on 8.6.81.

I was fearful to have anything to do with him, thinking it might just be an occult. I was then introduced to Buddhism by my brother thereafter I became a Buddhist taken my 3 vows to take refuge only under Buddha & nobody else, sometime in 1988.

In 1992 I dreamt of Baba again who said at any time I need his help I shall call him & he will help.

In 1993 I had an operation for my nose, the specialist kind of sure I had nose cancer by the abnormal growth & the symptoms exhibited & weight loss (I have 2 brothers died of nose cancer).during the waiting period for the biopsy results (to confirm whether the cells are cancerous) I remembered Baba did say to call out so I called out silently & incessantly to Baba to extend my life span as my youngest child then was only 8 years old. Baba came to my dream again in the afternoon of the 10th day of calling & drenched me with a tub of water from head to toe, I woke up & went straight to get the biopsy report, the specialist found it to be a miracle as the report confirmed that the test showed negative.

In 1995 I visited Baba at India to convey my gratitude & I thought I would remain as a Buddhist as believing in Baba shall conflict with my 3 vows taken earlier.

In 1996 I visited Baba again with my children & Baba granted us an interview. At the interview room Baba materialised a pendant with an image of Buddha, showed the pendant to the 2 local Indians sitting in the same room there and Baba asked: "did you know who this is?", both Indians shook their heads & Baba turned towards my direction & winked at me in a cheeky manner & said: "This is Buddha, Lord Buddha". At that moment I cried profusely because only at that moment of time I knew of Baba’s omniscience as nobody would ever know although I am Chinese educated, each time I prayed to Buddha in English and I addressed Buddha as “Lord Buddha” .

The message Baba drove into my mind was: there was no conflict at all with Buddhism should I turned to Baba.
After knowing Baba I began to realise that God is called by different names because of our differences in geographical locations, cultures, languages & our likes / perceptions of God.

I later realised too that by becoming a devotee of Baba, I needn't convert nor change my religion , in fact I became a better Buddhist, because Baba is good at infusing a lot of love/compassion/energy unto me to enable me to carry out/practise Buddha's teachings in my daily life better.

From thence on my life turned so beautiful. I have tears of joy each time and each day Baba’s image came to my mind & whenever there is Bhajan I can feel Baba’s love for me & this warms my heart & make me cry to think that I am so fortunate to have Baba so near & dear.

We are going to India on 11.5.06, many weeks ago I already had the feeling of joy and excitement until tears of joy would just well up my eyes.

Trust me, Baba is just the living avatar that one should cling unto.....


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Kitten" and "Monkey"

On25-04-2006 (Tuesday) evening we attended Bhajan at Bangsar Sai Centre, with the intention of listening to
sis. Lorraine's sharing of Sai experience.

invited a friend of us, Mr. Loh to attend too.

Lorraine spoke lovingly of her wonderful esxperience(s) on how she came to know and love
Sai, her spiritual journey and her works in EHV (Education in Human Values). Her sharing was well received and inspirational.

When she finished her sharing, she opened her session to the floor for Q & A (questions and answers).

I then asked : " Baba once said there are two(2) types of devotees. One type is that of a monkey, whose faith waivers and who doubts Sai when he has difficulties in life. Another type is that of a kitten, who clings to Sai with full faith and never doubt Sai. Baba said the kitten type shall reach Baba swiftly. So sis. Lorraine belongs to what type of Baba's devottees?". Sis. Lorraine smiled and said she is a combination of the two types.

On our way home at about 10.30pm, Mr Loh called to ask us to explain further on "monkey" & " kitten" types.

On 26-04-2006(Wednesday) morning at about 8.00am, we opened our e-mail, we found Mr. Loh sending us photos of the "kitten" & "monkey" which he said he was pleasantly surprised because he received it from a Malacca friend when he reached home, just minutes after having discussion (over hadphone) with us about the "kitten" & the "monkey".

Such Leela(s) of Baba and how could these be simply coincidences?

Chuah Huan Bee