Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Swami gave me darshan of Shiva Lingam

People with Email address know that evary day they receive lots if not tons of emails. My PC is especially true as it has many email accounts since I am using the Company NT server.

During lunch time this afternoon, my boss also my husband asked me to delete mails in my In Box Mail as he noticed there were already a lot of failure delivery notifications.

I have been quite frequent in throwing mails into bin however they are still piling up undeniably.

After lunch, I sat down in front of my PC and started to click away the stale mails. While I was 'clicking' the mail away, suddenly Swami's photo flashed. Some one must have sent me Swami's photo but I missed it. I have not seen what photo was that; I must have missed that mail ! I quickly went back to the Delete File to check for the mail. I found that I have over 680 mails in the Delete file and I scrolled again and again to search for the 'lost' mail. I opened a number of files and found that I was unable to locate the lost mail which has Swami's photo.

I prayed to Swami, I am sorry to have thrown your photo into the bin without even looking at it. I am now unable to locate the mail and I do not have the time now to look for the mail and yet I have to empty the bin as it contained 680 over mails. Then I told myself, if Swami wanted me to see his photo, he would allow me sometime or another.

So I proceeded to click to empty the Bin. It took sometime and looked 'hang'. I was quite worried as I have been receiving notice like : Application File full from the Eventlog Service.

I left my PC and turned to do some other job. Minutes later, the PC 'came back' and the 'emptying' job stopped; I saw that there were still 16 mails in the bin. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN EMPTY. BUT THERE ARE STILL 16 MAILS IN THE BIN.

Then, to my astonishment; the first mail in the list was from Bro. Ravi and when I scrolled down, Guess What ? there it was the photo " Swami holding the golden Shiva Lingam" right in front of my eye !!! It was the photo Sister Yip mentioned last Friday night during the Meeting that this year Swami has materialised a big Shiva lingam and I told her I was unaware of that and did not get a chance to see the photo.

It's a miracle right in front of me. We in the BU have actually been grumbling that Swami has not shown us any miracles for a long time . And Swami chose to allow me darshan of Shiva Lingam.

.........Om........... Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Sis Kim Lian

Monday, March 06, 2006

神的 10 个指南

神的 10 个指南




1. 停止担


2. 把它列入单内

一些必须去理或安置的,把它列入内。噢!不是你的单子,把它们列入我有待处理子里。就那个必须去解决问题的人吧。一旦你没把这些事交给我,我是万万不能帮到你。虽然我那有待处理的单子很长,谁叫我就是 ----神,我能够处理任何一件你交到我手中的事情。说真的,如果事真的能水落石出,我其帮你处很多很多你完全不知的事件。

3. 赖我


4. 置放一旁


5. 和我倾谈

要你忘掉西。忘掉那些会令你成狂的。忘掉你的忧伤及烦躁,因为你知道我正在掌控。但有一件事我祈求你千万不可忘紧记! 可千万别忘了要和我倾谈---每一时刻!我你!我要听到你的声音。我要你把我加入你生活中每一件正发生的事里头。我要听你讲关于你的朋友们及你家庭的事件。祈祷其就是你正在与我交谈,我要成为你最亲密的朋友。

6. 信服


7. 分享


8. 有耐性


9. 友好


10. 爱你自己

这么多,你却怎能不爱你自己?你被我创造出来的原因只有一个而已 ---- 去被爱,并同时也回报以爱。我之神,爱我爱你的邻居,但也必须爱你自己。当我看到你因一些事情糟了而正在对自己生气时,我感觉心痛。对我来你是那么的珍贵。


但愿慈悲的BaBa 常将他的恩典沐撒于我们及我们的家庭并排除我们的困难及忧虑赐于我们力好运成功与幸福祥和。