Sunday, April 01, 2007


"A bumblebee, though small, can bore through the toughest timber. The same bumblebee settles at sunset on a lotus flower, drinks the intoxicating nectar, and falls into a stupor, overwhelmed by the elixir. While it is still on the task, the sun sets and the petals close in. The bee is imprisoned in the softness, with no strength to bore through the tender, velvety veil. Let the mind imbibe the nectar of the Name, let it taste the elixir of the Lotus Feet of the Lord, it will be incapacitated, rendered ineffective and incapable of harm."

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 8, pg. 127

I vividly remembered one night some years back, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling distressed, I only have Baba in my head and in my heart, tears flowing down from my eyes and I wept quietly so as not to disturb my spouse who was asleep soundly by my side. I did not know why, what or who had made me feel so sad but one thing I knew for sure was I missed Baba so much.

I then asked Baba why was that so? Was it time for me to visit Him in India as my heart was yearning for Him? I walked towards the book shelf, prayed to Baba to give me a sign and I took out one book to flip a page, it was Sathya Sai Speaks Vol8 pg 127 wherein Baba speaks about a bumblebee thirsting for the nectar of the lotus shall fly to the Lotus Feet of the Lord, incidentally my name is “Bee” and thence I just couldn’t control myself any more but cried in tears of joy that Baba has agreed for me to go to India. The next morning I told my husband I am going to India, he said why go so often? I answered him that Baba is my parents and was it too much to visit the parents 2 or 3 times a year? He then consented and straight away I flew.

For the past few days I felt like crying, there was so much unhappiness and doubts all bottled up in my chest as if I had gone wrong somewhere and somehow, it could not be I am missing Baba again this time as I just had darshan of Him and kissed His Lotus Feet during the CNY Celebration at February 2007 which was scarcely one month ago in Prashanti, what then could it be this time?

I prayed yet again this morning to Baba for a sign and Lo, the same message I read some years back cropped up again on today’s Sai Inspires (heart to heart 1.4.2007), I broke down before the computer screen. I felt so blissful after a good cry in the toilet with no one to see me crying as my husband had gone to gym in this Sunday early morning.

I must be such a small strong-headed bumblebee who bores the toughest timber thenceafter was wondering why I had to be so harsh and so hardworking? Wasn’t it time now for me to retire (as it is now sun set & petals are closing) at Lord Baba’s Lotus Feet to drink the sweet nectar and to fall into a stupor ? Wasn’t it time too for Baba to keep me harmless instead of me still boring through the toughest timber as busy as a headless bumblebee?

I suddenly realized all these while I did not know how to surrender to Him.

For Surrendering to come forth, I must learn to Trust.

Trust Him that He shall take care.

When I Trust Him meant I must Accept what Baba wants and plans for me, for whatever that comes, be it good or bad I shall have to accept that it happens for a purpose as Baba’s will and leela.

All in all these could only mean “LET GO”.

The problem with me is as long as I am not willing to “LET GO”, there still in me was inadequate Surrender, not to mention Trust or Accept.


written by: CHUAH HUAN BEE

-采自沙迪亚赛开示第8章第 127页


问巴巴情何以堪?自陷如此殷切思念之中,排解无能,莫非赴印度会巴巴时刻已至?茫然中走到书架,祷告巴巴祈求指引,顺手取书其中,翻开某页,竟是沙迪亚赛开示第 8章第 127页,内容有巴巴提及之黄蜂,饥渴于追求莲花甘露,受指引至莲花主之足下;何其巧合, 'BEE'竟是我的闽语名字同音,这不是巴巴同意召见的暗示吗?此刻感激之泪,泄如雨滴,不能自己。第二天,催促赴印度的准备,丈夫问为何赴印度次数如此频密?我说巴巴如再生父母,一年二三次,何以言多?丈夫甚以为然,即同意起程。


今晨我再次向巴巴祷告寻求指示,几年前读过的信息再次在今天的 '巴巴激励(心连心 1.4.2007)' 显示电脑荧幕之前,一时情绪激动不能自己,在洗手间喜极而泣;此事无人目击,丈夫已出外进行星期日晨运。






总括一句,这意味 '放下' 。

问题关键于一旦我没有 '放下' 的 意愿,在我心根深处对主的降服还不全然,更甭提信赖和接受了。




Jules East said...

I guess it's time for you to prepare for Baba's physical form is now in his last years. Sometimes our souls do something that is much wiser than we think we are, in our mind. Crying is a process of smoothing out something that's rough inside. It is a skill of coping with life, alot of men are yet to "re-learn" this. :)

黄高弼 said...
