BaBa如是激励 Sai Inspires
把自身尽你所能聪慧及虔诚的投入你的责任/工作上,但在你执行这些责任/工作时把它们当成是你奉献给神的膜拜行动,这些行动将会带来什么成果就全然交给他的意愿、恩赐、慈悲。当你所预期的成果未能达致时千万别感到不安、气馁。说实在的,根本不必去预期成果 ----全然依仗他。是他赐你那时间、空间、因缘、资源、构思、技能、机会和鸿运;看似是你去执行但其实你只是付出了那么一丁点属於你自己的能耐。故此为什么你总是那样感觉到你就是那执行的人呢?你只须执行你的责任/工作,把它当成一项诚挚的灵性修行。
Engage yourself in your duties as intelligently and devotedly as you can, but carry out these duties as if they are acts of worship offered to God, leaving the result of those acts to His will, His grace, His compassion. Do not be affected when the results you anticipate are not produced. Indeed, do not anticipate at all ---- leave it to him. Ha gave you the time, the material, the idea, the skill, the chance and the fortune; and you did but little of your own. So why should you feel that you are the doer? Do your duty as a sincere Sadhana.
- Devine Discourse, 24th. March 1973
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