Tuesday, December 16, 2008

--- Goodbye 2008 , Welcome 2009 ---

Dear Swami,

2008 is coming to an end. We would like to inform Swami that there is not much changes or improvement in our Bhajan Unit activities. The number of activities is lesser but our choir have seen addition of new members and more importantly, besides singing praises to Swami, many have participated in the seva activities. We continue to pray to Swami for your blessings and graces to be bestowed onto our members and everyone. And we hope to continue to improve not only in activities but in spiritual advancement.

The major individual events have been reported in our blog.

Swami, we have decided not to participate in this coming 2009 Chinese New Year celebration in Prashanti, however, we wish to visit and sing to Swami at Koddaikanal around April in 2009. We do hope that Swami will confer on our wish and offering.

We are also setting up a Musical on Swami’s Life and Message and it is scheduled to be performed around September 2009 at KLPac. The youths are taking charge of this programme and we pray for Swami’s guidance and blessing on this offering, too. Swami, please make this event a success.

We also hope to have more male members in our choir and everyone can strive to sing better so that we will be able to participate in the 2010 Music Choir Olympics in Shaoying, China.

As for the Bhajan Unit, we hope to have better and more active participations from the members, set up EHV classes and do as much as we can for Swami. We also hope to take up more seva activities and we pray for Swami’s grace and guidance so that we can continue to serve you better.

**** Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year****

At your Lotus Feet,

Kim Lian

Thursday, December 04, 2008


今年, 思菩提选择了11 月21日在中心,由大家一起共计共尽力欢庆吧吧八十三岁诞辰庆典。


张老师全权负责文娱项目,IRENE 负责巴赞,麦赛兄和JOHN安排把40名Ti Ratana Homes 的孤儿带来一起欢度世尊的诞辰,金文准备礼物给小朋友; 工作如火如荼。  

当天,好多兄弟姐妹一早到来准备服务工作,但原定6.30分抵达的 Ti RaTana 宾客迟到了。大家手忙脚乱的让到来的小朋友们先喝点糖水裹腹(因策定9.00PM 晚宴)。

7.30分开始巴赞。巴赞后,由凯杰,凯善讲一个寓言故事为今日吧吧的讯息。他俩讲的青蛙的实验,启示大家“太舒适的生活,是最危险的时刻。” “我们必须时时注意,多警醒,并迎接考验,接受改变,才不至于面对现实的时刻,失去应变的能力。”和世尊的谆谆教教诲相符。


悦之女声小组唱出了“生活的美好”,年青活力的组合-伊甸园的歌声, 唱起了“夜来香” 和 巴赞改编的“ 为什么怕,有我在此?”获得了赞赏。

佛学会BUDDHIST VIHARA 合唱团为我们唱两首佛曲助兴。我合唱团也唱了好多首曲子欢颂世尊的圣号。满堂欢唱庆祝“赛,生日快乐。” 我们邀请了主席BRO BILLY夫妇和 AUNTY LAU 代表世尊切蛋糕。AUNTY LAU 是赛组织众所周知的信徒,她老人家今年和世尊同龄-83岁涉足服务多年;是赛服务的楷模。

节目,晚宴完毕。洗涤橱具盘碗,搬移桌椅板凳,抹擦地板;个个乐此不疲,已没有宾主之分。徐赛兄问我:那洗碗的妇女是谁?我说: 我不认识; 还有拿"坡饼"来的那个妇女我也不认识; 这么多的食物, 我也不知是谁报效的?。


大家的齐心协力合作下,思菩提举行了这简单,欢欣的庆典;套句 JOHN 的话:“大家快乐,SWAMI 也快乐。” 这不就是大家所期望的吗?

